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Sofia Tellez

 Co-Fundador/Instructor Líder de ALGO+ México
Amazon/Experto en Comercio Electónico

Sofia comes from a long line of entrepreneurs and has been deeply involved

with ecommerce in multiple countries.                                                                  

In addition to being an Amazon seven figure seller, Sofia loves to teach others

how owning an online retail business can significantly alter individuals lives.                                                                 

Sofia has been involved with the Algo family since its inception and has taught in the US, Mexico and Spain. Recently Sofia has taken on a new task of building out a proper training platform for our members in Spain and other Spanish speaking countries.

When Sofia isn't traveling the globe teaching ecommerce, she loves to beat her brothers in surfing, walking on the beach with her puppy and making home made ice cream.

Sofia Tellez - ALGO

¿Está buscando iniciar un negocio de comercio electrónico en línea? ¡Aprende exactamente cómo comenzar y crecer asistiendo a una de nuestras capacitaciones gratuitas!

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